Staying Organized in Quarantine: Why a Good Planner Makes All the Difference

One thing that has stayed a constant in my life the last 59 days of quarantine is how important structure is. Whether it’s just having a small to-do list or actually having blocks of time set aside for tasks. I just find that I feel more validated and put together if I have some sort of task to check off the list; I’m sure a lot of you can agree!!


I’m not always in the “mood” to be organized and all that jazz. Not gonna lie, quarantine has been hard for me. That’s why this external source of validation (oops I go more into validation here) helps my day to day life.

If I could recommend one product to help you get not only your work or school life organized, but your mental and emotional self too is the Savor Life Planner. I’ve actually done a whole post on this planner already and how much it really applies to my daily life.

I’m big into planning, what a surprise!!

Love the style of mine? The style I am currently using is their Executive Planner in black. ***not a sponsored post but these are affiliate links***

Love that cute little cup? Check that out here it’s by Honey & Roses Coffee.


Why having a planner can be beneficial to you

  1. Complete tasks faster: Think about it, all of your tasks are written in one common spot. You’re more likely to see them and think about what you have to get done. As a result you’ll slowly do each task one by one and all of a sudden you’re done! woo!!
  2. Set priorities: Visualizing your tasks also helps you prioritize tasks and see which ones are more important over others.
  3. Lower stress: All of your important information is in a common spot. You will spend less time worrying about if you forgot something because it’s all its all written down together.
  4. Increase self awareness: It’s no surprise that when you write things down it’s easier to organize your thoughts and piece things together. This planner has a section at the beginning of every week that I love called “Detox your brain”.

Delving more into self awareness for a bit, you will also learn more about your personal behavior and situational correlations (I love science). Being able to piece together how you’re emotions are in relation to your behavior can be super beneficial. Understanding why you’re acting a certain way can help you come to terms with it in the first place.


It’s also important to remember to not rely on planning and take things more so with a grain of salt. I struggle with this a lot. I get attached to what I think “should have” happened.

Planning is super important, but you should only be dedicating a fraction of your day to setting things up and checking things out. If you are spending hours upon hours building structure and you are frustrated, please stop!

taken from

One of my few quarantine goals is to try and let go of things more easily. I have a habit of getting attached.

I hope this was at least a bit helpful! It was kind of a mini rant but honestly planning has really helped me find a purpose during these last couple months. Hope all of you and your loved ones are safe 🙂

If you’re on the look-out for more content head over to my instagram or check out some similar posts I’ve done:

The fear that no one will read your blog

How to find validation in yourself: part two

The Quarantine Tag: how I’ve been spending my quarantine

Thanks so much if you’ve read this far. I appreciate it so much.

Lots of love,


15 thoughts on “Staying Organized in Quarantine: Why a Good Planner Makes All the Difference”

  1. I would have to agree that keeping a daily journal helps so much with self awareness! That’s probably my favorite part about it because I hold myself accountable

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